Serious About Science

About us

We are a committed group of independent environmental science professionals, who collaborate to provide educational and technical services to promote good science. We are recognised experts in our fields, with extensive experience educating and working with government, and industry, conducting environmental assessments, land planning, conservation initiatives, applied research and monitoring programs. Using our experience from working in both academia and industry, we are able to assist with key junctures in report preparation, including science auditing, professional editing and senior review.


We believe that the collection and dissemination of defensible and comprehensive scientific data is vital, for producing sound environmental programs. We consider the data collected during surveys, and reports written based on these data, to be a service to the public. As such, accountability, transparency and the demonstration of due diligence, should be considered essential components.


We believe that education is paramount in moving forward in our changing world. Therefore, we spend time educating school-aged children about the natural world and how we can adapt to the challenges we face. We also teach technical courses for environmental scientists.


We believe in enjoying the work that we do. We have a track record of working well together and with our clients to create an effective team. We consider this a cornerstone of our business. Although we are all independent, and pursue on our own professional interests, we come together and work to our full potential under the wing of Serious About Science.

Serious About Science School Program

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Consortium Associates

Dr Cynthia Lane

Dr. Cynthia Lane Ph.D.


Lake Lily Ecology Ltd.

Dr. Cynthia Lane is a professional ecologist, a founding associate of Serious About Science, and on the Board of Governors for The Rockies Institute. She conducts scientific research regarding vegetation ecology, insect biology, habitat restoration. Dr. Lane has served as the lead botanist for commercial projects in Canada, the U.S., Panama and Puerto Rico. She is an seasoned field surveyor, adept in using plant community classification systems and producing thorough vascular plant and lichen inventories (with recent collections containing species new to science and to North America). Dr. Lane has developed innovative GIS-based tools to inform urban and landscape planning efforts.

Dr Peter Whitehead

Dr. Peter Whitehead Ph.D., P.Biol.

Ecologist, Bryologist, Soil Scientist

Cape Ecology Ltd

An ecologist and bryologist, Dr. Peter Whitehead has conducted ecology surveys for the past 20 years, in North America and Europe. He has carried out baseline and "rare plant" surveys throughout Western Canada, and has authored and contributed to environmental, ecological and biophysical impact assessments, and pre-development assessments. Dr. Whitehead founded the Western Canada Bryophyte and Lichen Interest Group, for which he leads workshops and excursions, teaching people how to search for, and identify bryophytes. He co-founded Serious About Science and spearheaded a minimum standard, for vegetation surveys in Alberta.

Dr Carly Kenny

Dr. Carly Kenny Ph.D.

Editor & Reviewer, Atmospheric Chemist

Cape Ecology Ltd

Cape Education Services

Dr. Carly Kenny, a founding associate of Serious About Science, reviews and edits documents for clients in academia and the commercial sector. She has worked in Canada, France and the UK, as an advisor and freelance contractor, writing, reviewing and editing environmental reports, scientific papers, books, theses, grant proposals, dissertations, posters and articles. Dr. Kenny offers advice on content, scientific accuracy, technical merit, spelling, grammar, formatting and overall comprehension.

Dr Charles Curtin

Dr. Charles Curtin Ph.D.

Landscape Ecologist

Practitioners’ Network for Large Landscape Conservation

Dr. Charles Curtin managed the largest replicated ecological study on the continent; the Mckinney Flats Project. He works with telemetry and sampling design, for studies of vertebrates and invertebrates, and in restoration ecology for alpine and sub-alpine plant communities. Dr. Curtin has studied fire in savanna and prairie ecosystems, and worked with first nations on large-scale conservation design projects. He has authored more than 60 articles and five books, including the recent publication The Science of Open Spaces. Dr. Curtin also helped establish academic programs in adaptive management and climate change mitigation at MIT, and other Universities.

Dr Janet Marsh

Dr. Janet Marsh Ph.D.


For the last 40 years, Dr. Janet Marsh has conducted environmental and vegetation surveys throughout Canada. She has contributed to environmental assessments, has taught plant biology courses and has co-authored the book Mosses Lichens and Ferns of Northwest North America. Dr. Marsh is considered one of Canada's leading authorities on lichens, and has recently completed the General Status of Species, assessing the conservation status of Canada's lichens. Dr. Marsh teaches people how to identify lichens through the Western Canada Bryophyte and Lichen Interest Group.

Dr Steven Tannas

Dr. Steven Tannas Ph.D., P.Ag.

Tannas Conservation Services Ltd.

Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds

Dr. Steven Tannas pioneers new methods to restore fescue grasslands, and is responsible for managing multidiscipline projects in soils, plants and animals of complex native ecosystems. He has managed the native plant breeding facility at ESRS for the past 15 years and produces rare species inventories, conducts detailed vegetation assessments and creates reclamation and range management plans for governments, industry and ranches.
Dr. Tannas is also the Chief of Science for Glen Bow Provincial Park's Foothills Fescue Research Institute.

PRograms / Services

Science-based Surveying & Monitoring

Serious About Science offers expertise in the fields of wildlife and botany, achieving professional excellence in all taxonomic plant groups. Our work exceeds the standards and requirements for gathering baseline data, for environmental and biodiversity assessments, environmental monitoring and rare plant surveys.

We conduct surveys as sub-consultants for environmental firms, and also work directly with corporations, organizations and government agencies, where rigorous, defensible inventory or baseline data are required.

Restoration, Reclamation and Regeneration

Serious About Science boasts extensive experience in: restoring degraded land into diverse native plant communities; reclaiming severely impacted mined-land to functioning ecosystems; and designing and directly regenerating damaged wetlands.

Independent Science Audit and Professional Review

A report is only as good as the data upon which it is based. Serious About Science, therefore, conducts science audits to assess the quality, integrity and applicability of science in reports, assessments and monitoring programs. In these audits we investigate all aspects of science and scientific reporting. This starts with data collection, followed by the interrogation and analysis of these data, and ends with the report.

Furthermore, it is vital that a scientific or technical document is well written and well presented; even something as simple as grammar, used incorrectly, can lead to the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of data. We are fortunate to have professional editors and reviewers on our team.

Conservation Design and Planning Support

Serious About Science works with land-use planning organizations, landscape architecture firms and government agencies. We provide expertise to clients to enable the incorporation of sound ecological and conservation principles, into new and existing development projects.

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Urban Planning and Design Support
  • Biophysical Inventories, Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Studies
  • Landscape Scale Conservation Planning
  • Monitoring Plan Design and Implementation
  • Restoration Planning
  • If we can help you, please contact us.


    Dr. Peter Whitehead

    Telephone: 1 (403) 671 1900


    Dr. Cynthia Lane

    Telephone: 1 (715) 442 2399